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Minnows are our specialty, and you'll be impressed with our ultimate selection, consistent sizing and grading, and our superior availability. Through specialized farm-raising, wild-harvesting, and storage techniques, we are able to offer you health-inspected, VHS certified, exotics/ANS free live bait year round. Our advanced transport technology ensures you receive your bait orders on time and in excellent condition.

Fathead Minnows

Genus/Species: Pimephales promelas

Common Names: Fats, tuffies, crappie minnows, perch minnows

Availability: All Year, XL - Limited Quantities

Emerald Shiner

Genus/Species: Notropis atherinoides

Common Names: Milwaukee Shiner, Lake Shiner

Availability: September through late May.

Frozen Emerald Shiner

Genus/Species: Notropis atherinoides

Common Names: Milwaukee Shiner, Lake Shiner

Availability: All Year

White Sucker

Genus/Species: Catostomus commersoni

Common Names: Sucker, Chub

Availability: All Year. LG and XL usually only on-hand from late August through November.

Golden Shiner

Genus/Species: Notemigonus cyrsoleucas

Availability: All Year

Rosey Reds

Genus/Species: Pimephales promelas color variant

Availability: All Year

Creek Chub

Genus/Species: Semotilus atromaculatus

Common Names: Chub, Horned Dace, Blacktailed Chub

Availability: All year.

Redtail Chub (Hornyhead Chub)

Genus/Species: Nocomis biggatus

Availability: May 1st through November 30th. Quantities are very limited.

Pearl Dace

Genus/Species: Semotilus margarita

Common Names: Rainbow Chub, Slippery Jack

Availability: April through October. Supplies are very limited.

Finescale Dace

Genus/Species: Phoxinus neogaeus

Common Names: Dace, Rainbow, Rainbow Chub

Availability: Most available from April through October.

Common Shiner

Genus/Species: Notropis cornutus

Common Names: River Shiner, Silver Shiner

Availability: All year.

Central Mudminnow

Genus/Species: Umbra limi

Common Names: Mudminnow

Availability: All Year. Supply can be limited at times.

Spottail Shiner

Genus/Species: Notropis hudsonius

Common Names: Lake Shiner (MN)

Availability: September through late May. Supply can be limited at times.